TCM Designs – Needle Felted Sheep and Goat – PDF Instructions

CAD $20.00

  • Designed for beginner and intermediate felters!
  • 21 pages of detailed instructions.
  • Immediate PDF download!


Needle felt your very own barnyard pals, a sheep and goat, by following these instructions designed for beginner and intermediate felters.
You will learn the basics needed to get started along with concise instructions and corresponding colour photos on how to form and add pieces to your main sculpture.

The finished sheep stands at 3 inches tall and the goat stands at 3.5 inches tall. These critters are also designed to be made for young children to play with. They are stocky and stand on sturdy legs and have no glass eyes or other small additional pieces. Even so, please only give to children who are past the stage where they place objects in their mouth.

The PDF contains 21 pages of detailed instructions with 124 colour photos and is an original by Tracye at TCM Designs.

You will receive a link to immediately download the PDF instruction file when check-out is complete.

Necessary Supplies (not included):

  • Wool Felting Batts
  • Foam Pad
  • Felting Needles